Welcome to Special Programs

Special Programs


Our Special Programs team provides resources, training, and support for all campuses that service students who are Emergent Bilingual (EB) and/or receive Section 504, Homebound, Dyslexia, or Special Education services. Additionally, we provide resources, training, and support for the Response to Intervention (RtI) process.

The Special Programs team’s mission is to train and support campuses in extending and improving learning opportunities for diverse learners and/or students with disabilities in accordance with state, federal, and local policies and procedures. As a result of these efforts, students are able to participate in a broader number of activities and achieve the highest of expectations.

Special Programs collaborates with district and campus staff and parents to develop and implement programs and activities that will meet the needs of all students and ensure that all students receiving special services are fully included in campuses’ instructional and extracurricular programs in accordance with least restrictive environment (LRE).

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at ahowie@palestineschools.org.


Andi Howie - Director of Special Programs

Helpful Resources








Texas Transition

Public Notice

In compliance with the code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Volume 2, the Palestine ISD Special Education Department plans to dispose of confidential records for students dismissed, moved, or graduated in the 2018 school year. If you or your child was served through Special Education, and you desire copies of these records, please notify the Palestine ISD Department of Special Programs at (903)-731-8033, by May 1, 2025. Parent or adult student may come to the Special Education Department located at 1007 E. Parke Ave., in Palestine, Monday through Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm to claim the records. If you have any questions, please call Andi Howie, Director of Special Programs at (903)731-8033.

Noticia pública

En cumplimiento con el código de Regulaciones Federales, Título 34, Volumen 2, el Departamento de Educación Especial del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Palestine planea disponer de registros confidenciales para los estudiantes despedidos, trasladados o graduados en el año escolar 2018. Si usted o su hijo recibieron la entrega legal a través de Educación Especial, y desea copias de estos registros, por favor notifique al Departamento de Programas Especiales de Palestine ISD al (903)-731-8033, antes del 1 de May de 2025. Los padres o estudiantes adultos pueden venir al Departamento de Educación Especial ubicado en 1007 E. Park Ave., en Palestine, de lunes a jueves de 8:00am a 4:00 pm para reclamar los registros. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a Andi Howie, Director de Programas Especiales al (903)-731-8033.