
It’s that time of year!!!  Palestine ISD is “Rounding UP”  all Pr-K students for Washington ECC.  If you have a student who will be 3 by September 1, 2024 (limited spots in the 3 year old program) or 4 by September 1, 2024 (all 4 year olds living in the district will be accepted;4 year old transfer students meeting requirements will be accepted as space allows) click the link below to complete the two part online registration process.

Part I is the HEAD START Pre-Application.  After completing this process, you will then select from a list of schools Palestine ISD.  Click Palestine ISD and complete Part II the Palestine ISD enrollment.  Thank you for your time and attention in getting the process completed early.  This information is critical for staffing and planning as we conclude the current year and move into the new year.