New Student Registration
If none of your children have ever been enrolled in Palestine ISD, you are considered a New Family.
Families are asked to provide detailed information for each child attending a Palestine ISD school. Gather the following documents to upload a picture or file during the online registration.
• Student Birth Certificate
• Student Social Security Card
• Student Immunization Record (up-to-date)
• Parent/Guardian Driver’s License
• Proof of Residence
• Proof of Income (Required for HeadStart and PreK students)
For assistance with registration or accessing Skyward Family Access, please contact a campus Registrar.
Steps for New Families
Create a Skyward Family Access Account
Proceed to New Student Enrollment in Family Access.

Note: If you and your child are living with someone else, that person will need to go with you to the Palestine ISD Administration Office at 1007 East Park Avenue (prior to completing online enrollment) with their proof of address and photo ID. A notarized statement from our office will serve as your proof of address.
If you do NOT reside in the Palestine ISD district, then your child will be a transfer student and will need to complete an Application for Transfer at the Palestine ISD Administration Office at 1007 East Park Avenue prior to completing the online enrollment. Transfer paperwork with discipline, attendance and academic reports due by July 31, 2023. If received later, then transfer fees will be required.
For assistance with registration or accessing Skyward Family Access, please contact a campus Registrar:
Washington ECC (PreK) Deonta Mims 903-731-8030
Northside Primary (K-1st) Cynthia Coman 903-731-8020
Southside Elementary (2nd-3rd) Shayna Rasnake 903-731-8023
Story Intermediate (4th-6th) Nancy Sanchez 903-731-8015
Palestine Junior High (7th-8th) Amanda Perez 903-731-8008
Palestine High School (9th-12th) Angie Gilbert 903-731-8005