College and Career Readiness

Brian Howie  Director of College

Brian Howie

Director of College, Career & Military Readiness

Email Brian Howie

(903) 723-8904

Palestine High School

Phone: 903-731-8005

Palestine Junior High

Phone 903-731-8008

Story Intermediate School

Phone 903-731-8015

Our Career and College Readiness has worked very hard over the last few years to develop programs to best fit the needs of our students. Whether or not a child at PISD is planning to join the workforce immediately after graduation or continue their education, PISD has a program that will give them a competitive edge for success.

 Agriculture learning opportunities have grown greatly with the different uses of Wildcat Acres. Students are currently preparing to show cattle, goats, lambs, pigs and rabbits. They have had an opportunity to see how the cattle market works with the addition of our grazing pastures and calves that were in the pre-conditioned sale. Greenhouse use has dramatically increased and horticulture interest is on the rise at PISD. Students of all ages got an opportunity to see Wildcat Acres first hand during “Little Hands on the Farm.”

Students at PISD graduate with not only opportunities to learn a trade or an opportunity to log college hours, but also the mindset that it is not optional to not utilize these opportunities. Students are constantly reminded of the things offered at Palestine High School. Partnerships with local businesses and the support of the community make this all possible.

Internships are formed so that students have the opportunity to put their newly learned skills to the test. Partnering with not only TVCC, but also SFA for dual credit classes has also helped parents feel comforted knowing that their child has taken classes at a 4-year university.

Palestine ISD has used several strategies to showcase its College and Career programs including but not limited to; campus showcases, open house, lower grade levels touring the campus, videos highlighting our course offerings, and participating in multiple community events. Social media platforms have also been utilized effectively to show parents and community the hands-on learning opportunities that PISD provides.

 Wildcat University has really taken off in the past few years. Students are now offered dual credit opportunities at Trinity Valley Community College, Stephen F. Austin University, and Kilgore College. Students are offered academic counseling just as if they are enrolled as a full-time college student, but with the safety net of High School counselors. Our students take great pride in these opportunities. The number of students utilizing their dual credit opportunities has continued to grow.

Our area offers great opportunities for our construction pathway students. The number of historic homes and the need for new construction projects give our students opportunities for work after high school. NCCER Core-Curriculum Certifications with OSHA are offered to all of our construction students. Small projects done in the shop and large projects constructed or remodeled outside of the shop are all part of our construction pathway.

The College and Career Readiness department will continue to grow and adapt in order to meet the needs of today's learners. Workforce data will continue to be studied and new ideas will continue to form based on the needs of our community and the demands of area businesses. Advisory councils will continue to be formed and meet at a minimum of 2X annually in order to develop the appropriate skills needed for career success. Our Wildcat University staff will continue to meet with local institutions of higher learning in order to meet the demands of today's university enrollment requirements. Students at PISD will continue to be pushed to their potential in either a Career Pathway or four-year university preparedness.

Brian Howie


PISD Career and College Readiness